You are here: Visitor Information > Medical Care > Doctors
Doctors Surgeries plus Pharmacy & Chemist
Newquay has two doctor’s surgeries which also operate nurse and advice centres. We also have several chemists with pharmacists (listed below) who may be able to help before seeking the advice of a doctor.
The Health Centre, St Thomas Road - 01637 850002
Narrowcliff Surgery, Narrowcliff - 01637 854433
NHS 111 - Medical, telephone Non-emergency service - 111
Chemists/Pharmacies that normally have a pharmacist available for advice:
Boots, 15 Bank Street, TR7 1DH. Tel: 01637 872014
Day Lewis Pharmacy, 1 Chester Road, TR7 2RT.&...… Read More
Doctors Surgeries plus Pharmacy & Chemist
Newquay has two doctor’s surgeries which also operate nurse and advice centres. We also have several chemists with pharmacists (listed below) who may be able to help before seeking the advice of a doctor.
The Health Centre, St Thomas Road - 01637 850002
Narrowcliff Surgery, Narrowcliff - 01637 854433
NHS 111 - Medical, telephone Non-emergency service - 111
Chemists/Pharmacies that normally have a pharmacist available for advice:
Boots, 15 Bank Street, TR7 1DH. Tel: 01637 872014
Day Lewis Pharmacy, 1 Chester Road, TR7 2RT. Tel: 01637 872589
Day Lewis Pharmacy, Health Centre St Thomas Road, TR7 1RU. Tel: 01637 851844
Day Lewis Pharmacy, Narrowcliff Surgery, TR7 2QF. Tel: 01637 872957
Last updated 08/01/23
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