Car Hire
Getting to Newquay by plane, train or coach has never been easier and one of your best options for easily and quickly getting around whilst you are here is to hire a car.
There are two car hire companies based at Cornwall Airport Newquay and these have their contact details on the Airport’s web site. It is always advisable to book ahead as demand for car hire is high, particularly in the summer season. There are more overseas flights to Newquay than ever and many who fly pre book their hire car well in advance.
Please ensure you have the right documents with you to hire a car. In some cases you do have to show the original documents when you pick up the vehicle - even if you have sent copies or images to book it. Requirements do vary between companies.
Last updated by 26/05/2023
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Number of results: 2
Coach & Bus Tours
First buses run on a regular basis from Newquay's main Bus Station on Manor Road.
Coach & Bus Tours
National Express buses run from the main Newquay Bus Station. If you would like to book a National Express ticket you are able to book your ticket at the Visit Newquay Tourist Information Centre on Marcus Hill, TR7 1BD which is open 7 days a week.